

The Delgados are definitely one of my all time favorite bands. I had a show on KDVS when they released their first album, Domestiques, in 1996. I had already been a fan of their label Chemikal Underground Records (yes, I admit it, I liked Bis) but hadn't yet heard them when the station received a copy of the record. I played it and liked it quite a bit, sort of filed the name of the band away in my brain, and went about my business. I will be doing a post on them at some point (sadly, they called it a day back in 2005) and go into much more detail.

Today I want to post a track from that first album. Really not indicative of where they would go with their sound (I consider the first record to be pretty standard indie rock. Who knew that they would turn into orchestral pop masters?!) but I think that is precisely why I like it. I love when a band releases a good first record and then simply blows your mind with the leaps and bounds they've made with their second. I find this song strange because it mentions chicken. I don't know why I find that so strange - it's just such a mundane little detail to include in a song.

The Delgados - Akumulator

Another long time favorite of mine is Knock Knock who have been around since 1999 or 2000. They just released a new album which is killing me daily with the awesomeness of the songs. I will be giving them their own post soon as well. If you're a fan of boy/girl harmonies and insanely catchy guitar based indie pop you cannot go wrong with Knock Knock! The album is available on Wilde Records for $8 with postage paid! Probably the best $8 I will spend all year. Anyhow, this song also mentions chicken! (It also reminds me of a song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show but I haven't seen that in about 20 years so take that with a grain of salt.) Another random little detail in the context of the song. Yes, I find it strange. Yet I also find it extremely likable.

Knock Knock - Michael

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